leckerMYK: Wacholderheiden im Frühjahr erleben und genießen
May 17, 2025
A hearty welcome snack awaits you at the ‘Landhaus Eifelschenke’ at the start of the culinary nature excursion. Strengthened, the ‘Wacholderwacht Osteifel’ will take you to the Wacholderheide nature reserve around Arft. The origins and historical working methods, flora and fauna as well as the view of this cultural landscape, which is worth protecting, are the subject of the 2-hour hike (6 km). Afterwards, a dinner with the harbingers of spring, asparagus and strawberries, awaits you in the country house.
Price: € 43.50 p.p. (excl. drinks)
Registration: Landhaus Eifelschenke, Hauptstraße 9, 56729 Arft
info@eifelschenke.de 0160-4315559